Monday, November 12, 2012

Next Bible Study starts January 13th!!!!

So excited about our next bible study starting January 13th. This year, I am going to be making available through my blog and in my home. This way, my friends that are out of town can still participate with us. If you would like to be a part of this, please email me and I would be happy to share the information with you.

Beth Moore: James, Mercy Triumphs
Starts January 13th... every other week until April 21st.

For more information about the study, please go to the following link:

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Where in the world have the Roberts been?

It has been so long since I have really kept up with my blog. Life gets crazy busy, and many things fall to the wayside. This blog is a very good tool for me to communicate with friends and family who don't live close by. This is just a recap of some of our highlights from June-November...

Going to St. Louis with Meme and Greyson. We went to the Magic House, the Arch and the Cardinal Game.
Port Aransas with Mops and Pops
A VERY successful lemonade stand... $76

Josh and I went to Boston to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary. One of our favorite trips and we renewed our vows:)
Ava got to go on a special trip to Tennessee with Mops and Pops and her cousins
Ft. Worth museum with Mops

Arkansas with friends

Beth Moore conference with my dear friends. Got to meet Beth Moore. Look above, that is me sitting RIGHT BY HER! Bawled like a baby.

First Day of School
Ava-Third Grade
Sawyer- Kindergarten

Going to see Tom Sawyer with Mops and the cousins

50's Day at School

Fall Festivals

Halloween Night
Ava was a witch
Sawyer was a Power Ranger

I promise to not wait so long to update. I love all of you!

Pumpkin Patch in Colleyville

I haven't posted in a long time and am trying to catch up. My best friends Nikki and Dahlia went a couple of weeks ago to the Colleyville Pumpkin Patch off of Hall Johnson Road. We had the best time. It really gets you excited for fall. We even went through a real corn maze. The kids loved it. So blessed that our children get to grow up together.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What is God Like?

This morning I stumbled upon a video that has just touched the core of my soul. To me, this gives a beautiful definition of what God is like. It is absolutely so amazing that this God, the God of the Universe, the God of all time, has hand-picked me to be His daughter, that he pursues me, that he fights for me. That he looks down on me as a mother looks at her new baby. There are times that is easier to hear than others. This morning it just feels really humble. I am having one of THOSE mornings after one of THOSE nights. Moments were I just don't quite like who I am, or the way I react, or the attitude I possess. And then a video like this hits me. To know that God loves me when I am doing it all right, and loves me just as much when I feel like I am doing it all wrong. The God of grace, the God of absolute unconditional love. The God I get to serve, the God I get to cry with and the God I want to tell everyone about. I hope this blesses you and that you know how much he loves you.
What is God Like? ( make sure your audio is up once you click on it)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

My Nephew Is Here!!!!

My baby sister couldn't have given me a better birthday present. She brought my sweet nephew into the world on my birthday. Miller Job McCoy was born June 8th and weighed 6lbs 11 oz. He is absolutely beautiful and my sister is beaming. I am so proud of her. I can't wait to see what our relationship will be like now that we are both moms. I can't wait to share in all the neat moments that await her.

Welcome Mills! Your Aunt Andrea couldn't be happier...
You are loved more than you could ever know

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

J.L..Boren Talent Show

Ava sang in the JL Boren talent show today. She had a lot of fun.

Ava and Mops

Sawyer and Ava 

Ava and Kendall 

Ava getting ready to sing 

Finishing it off with ice cream
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How He Loves Us

An amazing group of women meet at my home every other week to do the Breaking Free study by Beth Moore. I just can't talk enough about this study. It has affected me in ways that no other study has, it has stirred up a lot of things that needed to be sifted through. Some things needed to be tossed out, some needed to be dealt with and some needed to be refined. It has been well worth it. I am sad that it is almost over but ready to move forward as person who is more honest with who she is, a person that doesn't want to settle for anything less than the women that he thought up when he first designed Andrea. I have a long way to go to being that woman, but I am at least moving in the right direction.

If you haven't done this before, don't walk but RUN to do this. It will change your life... if you let it. Last week was one of those weeks where you want to wrap up in a blanket with a good cup of coffee and just sit in awe at who God is. I love to tell people how much God loves them, but if I am being honest, I don't live my life with the full understanding of how much He loves me. It is too great to think. A girl like me, who is an approval addict, who doubts herself on a daily basis, who struggles with anxiety and fear and who likes to get herself in a fit when she feels she has to defend herself. I think if I really knew How much God loves me, loves me like no one else could, then none of the other stuff would have near the priority that they currently do.
Watching the video on Sunday in my living room, I was crying like a baby listening to what His love for us looks like. He is ALWAYS patient with me, He HOPES in me, HE DELIGHTS in me, He is not jealous of me but for a relationship with me, HE is always KIND and COMPASSIONATE. When you feel like your are disposable in another's life, He tells you that you are never disposable to Him, He fights for you. Beth describes in her study that just because we always don't feel like God loves us... it is not a belief... We must choose to know that God loves us and just take Him at His Word because HE SAYS SO! I love that she says, " No one has ever done more to show you that you were unloved that God has done to show you that you are loved." Only God possesses unfailing love. We can love God because he first loved us. He is love... it is who He is... He can't be any different. She gave us a questionaire that I am still pondering over and I can't get it out of my head. She tells you to ask yourself the following questions...
1. Does God regulary circulate into my thougths?
2. Am I drawn to spend time with Him?
3. Does my life demonstrate a love for God? Does my life reflect God's love for me?
4. Do I often enjoy God?
5. Do I ultimately find relief or satisfaction in obedience?
Beth Moore states from commentary, " To love God in the way defined by the great commandment is to seek God for his own sake, to have pleasure in him and to strive impulsively after him."

That is what I want! Instead of striving for others to love me, accept me for who I am, and find worth in me... I want to strive to love Him the way he loves me.I want to strive to know Him, to believe His words. I want my life to reflect Him so much that people have to go through God to find me. I really do want to love the way Jesus loved.

Yesterday, in the car, I was talking to my son. I asked Sawyer, " Why do you love God Sawyer?". My five year old did not skip a beat. He told me, " Mom, I love him because He loves me. He made me and I want to be a good boy for Him." The wisdom of a child. We get to love Him because He first loved us. Anytime you have a thought of love, it is because God put it there. When you look to God and tell him that you love him, instead say, " I love you too" because just the thought of you loving him means that He just told you.
" God, thank you for filling me with your Presence. Please help me to love you the way you love me. Help me to love others the way your Son loved. Help me with the unbelief that I sometimes struggle with. Thank you for loving me... I love you too."

Sunday, May 20, 2012

New Videos of Kids

Here are two new videos of the kids.
The second grade classes at JL Boren did a Clown Music program. She was so excited to get to play her instrument.
Sawyer graduated from PreK. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Here was one of the songs he sang. It was the color song in Spanish.

Recent Happenings in the Roberts Family

I have been so bad about keeping up with my blog. I am not on facebook so this is my only way to let my family see what is happening with the kids. Here is the latest:

Ava and Mom at her field trip to the Ft. Worth museum

Friends annual Easter Egg Hunt. Ava has been friends with these girls since birth. She is so lucky to have such a great group of friends.

Easter was wonderful. Grandma and Grandpa Grieshaber were down. It was wonderful having them at our home.

Ava and her teacher, Mrs. James at the Boren Carnival

Ava dressed as a clown for her school music program

The whole second grade performing in the Clown Musical

Having a great time with friends at Casa seeing Annie

Ava with her best friend Kendall

Ava and Mom at Alecia's baby shower in Ft. Worth 

Ava and her friend Kaylee at Field Day

Ava receiving her bible from Pastor David

Loved this picture of Ava praying as Pastor David blessed the second graders

Ava and Sawyer at the park

Sawyer's graduating from PreK
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