I found this book through one of my favorite devotional sites at www.incourage.me . Holly Gerth is the co-founder of this site. Her message is that women don't need to do more and be more: they can just be, because they are already amazing the way God created them. She describes this book in her own words in the video below.
I would love for you to join me reading this book. There are a few ways to take part in this.
1. Buy the book and read it at your own leisure. You can find the book at Lifeway or online at http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_sabc?url=search-alias%3Daps&pageMinusResults=1&suo=1366145713457#/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_7?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=your%20already%20amazing&sprefix=your+al%2Caps%2C206&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Ayour%20already%20amazing .
2. If you are interested in really focusing in on this book, Holly provides a study guide that you can download on her site http://holleygerth.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Youre-Already-Amazing-by-Holley-Gerth-Interactive-Tools.pdf .
3. I will be writing about this each week and offering up questions for us to discuss through this blog. I will also share videos of the chapters that I have found on the incourage.me website, as well as songs that relate to our chapters, and printables that I have found for all of you. This is where I am hoping we can learn from each other, gain insights, and share our thoughts as we are reading. If you are interested in signing up to receive the posts, please put your email on the upper left side and I will make sure you receive the weekly posts. Also, please let me know in the comment section if you would like to take part through this format. The dates for the reading and posts are below:
Monday, April 22: Kick off
Wednesday, April 24: Chapter 1Friday, April 26: Chapter 2 and 3 and freebie from www.incourage.me
Monday, April 29: Chapter 4
Wednesday, May 1: Chapter 5 & 6
Friday, May 3: You’re Already Amazing Freebie from www.incourage.me
Monday, May 6: Chapter 7
Wednesday, May 8: Chapter 8
Friday, May 10: You’re Already Amazing Freebie from www.incourage.me
Monday, May 13: Chapter 9 & 10
Wednesday, May 15: Chapter 11
Friday, May 17: You’re Already Amazing Freebie and wrapup from www.incourage.me
Invite your friend, maybe even a few of you can commit to doing this and meeting together to share. My prayer is that no matter what, at some point this book will find its way to you hands as well as your heart.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to email me at andrearoberts13@gmail.com
Signed up to follow the blog for the book! Excited! Elisabeth Miller