Chapter 9- What are My Next Steps?
This was a really good chapter and one I enjoyed journaling about. In this chapter, Holly talks to us about what hinders and entangles us. Holly says, " You have the Holy Spirit with you, and he will show you what you need to change in a way that's gentle, life giving, and affirming."
I don't know about you, but I needed to hear that. All to often, the world tells me that I need to do more, give more, look different, be better. I feel like I am constantly trying to keep up with a world that is moving too fast for me. This reminds me that is not TRUTH. God is gentle and comes to bring me life, not make it feel like it is being sucked out of me.
One of my very favorite parts of this chapter was the "Going the Distance" section. I loved the line, "Distance first. Then speed." So often in my life, I am all about speed. I rarely take the time to slow down. But that is what it is all about. Holly says, " The best place to start is with one small step. It's the only way to bigger things with God."
Holly tells us, " As you begin to do what you can and live in grace, love will begin to grow even more in your life. With each choice you make, you become a litle more of who God made you and draw a little closer to His purpose for your life."
Questions for discussion:
1. What tends to hinder or entangle you?
2. What organizational strategy fit you best? What did you learn from that?
Chapter 10- Is it Okay to Take Care of Myself?
I think this is something that we as women struggle with the most. When we do things for ourselves, we tend to feel selfish. We are all about helping others, but when it comes to people helping us, we think we are inadequate or incapable. Holly says that when we feel this way, pride can be a part of that. Holly says,
" In order to receive, we have to open our hearts, hands, and lives. We put ourselves in a position that is vulnerable. Receiving feels messy, more unpredicatable. But it's essential. Look at the world around you. Everything in nature is about give and take, offering and receiving, graspiing and releasing. If you only feel safe when you're giving and consistently resist receiving, then you may have some fears holding you back from getting what you need."
When God looks at us, he sees us the same. " He wants us to love ourselves the way we love others in our lives. You are worth investing in. You are a daughter of the King, a holy princess, a woman with a purpose in this world and a calling on your life. Take care of yourself. You are blessing all of us when you do , and you bring joy to the heart of God too."
"Dare to take a risk. Love yourself because He loves you."
Questions for Discussion:
1. What fills you up and brings you joy?
2. Why is it so hard for women to receive?
Song: I'll Wait by Sara Groves
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